Story of Seasons 3DS

Story of Seasons box art

Game Details

Platform: 3DS
Released: 24 December 2015
GTIN-13: 0045496529772
Best Price: £0.00

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Take control of your own farm in Oak Tree Town, make friends and help the community thrive again in Marvelous Inc.’s latest farming and life simulator. Story of Seasons is the beginning of a new chapter in the ‘Bokujo Monogatari’ series, which has been reborn in the West under a new name, but continues the well-loved traditions of the long-standing franchise. Features: Decide which crops to grow and animals to raise. Participate in the town’s annual competitions, make your own furniture, and even set up a wildlife safari full of exotic animals. New outfits can be unlocked through play, allowing them to impress the locals, not to mention any eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, bestow extra stamina and health, or increase the price that produce can be sold for. Trade a wide variety of products like fertiliser, fish, and milk, while buying items like silk and blueprints to create new tools will attract more merchants to the village By snapping up some Mystery Seeds, crops can be grown that look remarkably like some famous Nintendo items. Immediately grow all nearby plants by sprouting a Super Mushroom, keep your crops fresh for up to thirty days and make them more valuable with the Super Star, or rid yourself of any wilted crops with the Fire Flower.