Meteos: Disney Magic and Disney Friends DS

Meteos: Disney Magic and Disney Friends box art

Game Details

Platform: DS
Released: Unknown
Best Price: £0.00

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Disney Friends for Nintendo DS is a new virtual life simulator and adventure game featuring some of the most beloved characters from popular Disney films including The Lion King, Winnie the Pooh, Lilo & Stitch and Finding Nemo. Meteos: Disney Magic is the follow-up to the critically-acclaimed Meteos, now featuring beloved Disney brands. It's an original story in the classic Disney universe: Help Jiminy Cricket and Tinkerbell re-organize the famous Disney storybook vault after someone changed the stories around. Piece together three or more Disney-themed blocks with the Nintendo DS stylus; create puzzle patterns by launching them from the touch screen, while interacting with great Disney characters. The sequel to Meteos, one of the most critically acclaimed and popular games for the Nintendo DS.