World Tour Soccer 2 PSP

World Tour Soccer 2 box art

Game Details

Platform: PSP
Released: Unknown
Age Rating: 3
GTIN-13: 0711719618973

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World Tour Soccer 2 kicks off on the PSP, bringing more of the same arcade football action as its predecessor. And the timing of its release couldn't be better if they'd planned it. Oh, apparently they DID plan it! Obviously, the huge success of EA's FIFA and Konami's Pro Evolution franchises has not escaped Sony's attention of - Sony must feel there's room for another football game in people's collections. Also, there is the small matter of the 2006 FIFA World Cup which is being held in Germany at the time of release. And with England likely to crash out just as the game hits the shelves, this might be the only football action many fans will see for a while. World Tour differs from other games in the genre in two ways. Firstly, there's the World Tour mode which has players touring the globe (surpise that, eh!) with one of 71 real-life teams in search of on-pitch glory. Secondly there is much focus placed on skills and challenges during play. Playing with style, while looking good at the same time enables the player to build up a high score that is more important than the actual result of the game. As you progress, you will unlock new teams, game modes and All Star teams. World Tour Soccer 2 offers 11 game modes, each encouraging gamers to play in a different style - there are modes that require the player to score within 15 seconds of gaining possession, mdes that require each team member to have a touch of the ball before a goal can be scored, and more... and the game makes us of the PSP's on-line capabilites to enable further game modes to be downloaded.