Disney Think Fast Wii

Disney Think Fast box art

Game Details

Platform: Wii
Released: 5 December 2008


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Hosted by the loveable and charismatic Genie from Disney?s "Aladdin," Disney TH!NK Fast is an exciting, fun-filled game for Disney fans of all ages. Playing as one yourr favorite Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge McDuck, you can square off in friendly competition between friends and family in over 15 rounds to see who has the quickest mind and the fastest finger on the buzzer.Rounds range from multiple-choice questions to thrilling, fast paced mini-games in which you compete in themed locations based on such Disney classics as "The Lion King," "The Little Mermaid," "Lilo & Stitch" and "101 Dalmatians." Up to four players can compete in total, tackling more than 5,000 challenging questions on topics ranging from Disney trivia to general knowledge. A unique visual answer system puts players right in the game and makes it fun for all ages. Utilize the Wii Remote? and Nunchuk? as buzzers. Family orientated quiz game based on Disney movies and characters. Unique visual answer system to ensure younger players can compete. Over 5000 questions specifically tailored to different ability levels. Additional action based games to break up the game play. Employs simple controllers to make it truly pick-up-and-play for all ages. Buckets of humor and witty commentary from the irrepressible Genie. A massively entertaining addition to any party and one that will remind you of all those classic Disney movies you watched when you were younger. Great family fun for both youngsters and old timers alike.