Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Xbox 360

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance box art

Game Details

Platform: Xbox 360
Released: Unknown
Age Rating: 18
Best Price: £0.00


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Simply Games Ltd£24.85


Developed through a partnership with Platinum Games and Kojima Productions, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance pits cyborg against cyborg in battle that blazes past every human limit! The main character, Raiden, was once feared as the child soldier Jack the Ripper on the front lines of the First Liberian Civil War. Now, his combat mastery is channeled through a cyborg body as the strikes from his high-frequency blade slice even massive assault drones in two. Raiden is contracted for VIP protection, military training and other duties by PMSCs (Private Military and Security Companies) in a developing country piecing itself back together after a bloody civil war. Little does he know that the stage is set for a clash with an enigmatic force of countless cyborgs. Players assume control of Raiden, protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and supporting character in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. A key gameplay feature for the game is titled zan-datsu, which involves cutting through enemies and taking parts from the bodies of dismembered cyborgs and robots. Rising's stealth elements will emphasize Raiden's considerable speed and agility through what Matsuyama describes as hunting stealth. Unlike the waiting stealth of previous titles, in which players remained hidden and avoided combat, players in Rising will instead quickly stalk their enemies and use acrobatic maneuvers to stay out of sight while closing in. This ties in with the game's zan-datsu feature, allowing them to prey upon enemies to obtain weapons, items, and energy. Features:Rising's stealth elements will emphasize Raiden's considerable speed and agility through what Matsuyama describes as hunting stealth. Gameplay will focus on two key elements: swordfighting, and a style of stealth that is more fast-paced and action-oriented. Cutting entails sophisticated swordplay that lets players engage in third person melee combat, as well as precisely slash enemies and objects at will along a geometrical plane using a free slicing